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Our Lodges

Silurian Lodge

Silurian Lodge No.471

Silurian Lodge’s warrant dates back to 1840 and the Lodge was consecrated on the first of August 1941 making us the second oldest Lodge in the Province and the oldest in Newport!

We meet on the first Wednesday of the month in October, November, December, January (Installation), February, March, April, May and June

Isca Lodge No.683

The Lodge was founded by a group of masons from the Silurian Lodge No.471, who petitioned the Howe Lodge No.587 from the Masonic Province of Warwickshire to sponsor the Lodges Formation.


The Lodge Warrant was sanctioned on the 23rd August 1856 and the inaugural meeting was held on the 30th December 1856 at 

Newport Masonic Hall, Lower Dock Street.


 Isca Lodge is the 3rd oldest Lodge in the Masonic Province of Monmouthshire and the second oldest Lodge meeting in Newport.

Isca Lodge

Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge No.1429

The Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall, Dock Street, Newport, on the second Thursday of each month. 

This small, friendly Lodge is proud of its historical past. The Lodge was first established in 1873 and celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2023. The six lodges that were in existence in the province in 1873, were most supportive in establishing a new lodge in Newport to cater for the demands of men who wished to join the fraternity. This demand very much reflected the significant growth in employment opportunities that became available in Newport.

Charles Lyne (Installed Masters) Lodge No.2964

The Lodge was founded by a group of masons from the Silurian Lodge No.471, who petitioned the Howe Lodge No.587 from the Masonic Province of Warwickshire to sponsor the Lodges Formation.


The Lodge Warrant was sanctioned on the 23rd August 1856 and the inaugural meeting was held on the 30th December 1856 at 

Newport Masonic Hall, Lower Dock Street.


 Isca Lodge is the 3rd oldest Lodge in the Masonic Province of Monmouthshire and the second oldest Lodge meeting in Newport.

Charles Lyne (Installed Masters) Lodge
Jasper Tudor Lodge

Jasper Tudor Lodge No.4074

Many of the Founder members of the Jasper Tudor Lodge were from professions that included; Financiers, Bankers, Accountants, Directors, Managers, and Consultants. They represented the thriving growth of Engineering industries in Newport. In less than thirty years, the Lodge grew from a membership of 50 to over 150. Amongst the Founders were Frederick Phillips (the first Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Provincial Grand Master and Mayor of Newport) and Louis Hornby, who was part of the Hornby Toy Railway family.

The Jasper Tudor Lodge No. 4074 meets at Newport Masonic Hall on the third Saturday of each month, with the exception of the summer recess (June to August). 

Crystal Lodge No.4562

Crystal Lodge was consecrated on the 3rd June 1924 and celebrates its centenary this year on the 6th June 2024. On Tuesday 3rd June, Crystal Lodge No.4562 was consecrated in the Samuel Coombes (‘Old’) Temple at Newport Masonic Hall.


The Warrant of the Lodge is dated 17th September 1923 by the then Provincial Grand Master for The Province of Monmouthshire R.W.Bro. Frederick Phillips. He also presented the Lodge Banner, which is still used today.

Crystal’s banner depicts a valley in the background of which mountains, and a meandering river close to the mouth of which is a symbolic ear of corn which it is thought represents Newport and even the location of the Masonic Hall. 

Crystal Lodge
Lodge of Friendship

Lodge of Friendship No.6169

Second Friday in January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, December

Casnewydd Lodge No.6779

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of September to April and the last Friday in May, which is our Installation Meeting.

In more modern times the Lodge membership has been made up of brethren from various trades, however it was in the late 20th century primarily made up of stevedores and shopkeepers. More recently the membership encompasses many professions, from IT to Pharmaceuticals, and Catering.

Warrant issued on the 3rd November 1948

Casnewydd Lodge
Armed Forces Lodge

Armed Forces Lodge No.9875

Third Friday in March, First Friday in June, September, November.

NIOBA Lodge No.5264

Third Tuesday in September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May.

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